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Business Performance Solutions


The Business Directors dream come true, is an effective way to enhance the way each employee approaches all aspects of their role.

By discovering, and then targeting the root cause of any misconceptions or   issues that an individual or team may hold, we aim to improve attitude

and enhance performance.

Q. What is the key to effective business performance? 

A. The 3 Business Treasures, which are - Confidence, Communication and Calm.

Effectiveness in business stems from the 3 C’s. If one possesses these fundamental qualities in appropriate amounts there is nothing that can limit one's potential.

Attainment of the 3 C's is achieved in a series of Stages which are divided into hourly or even daily Sessions as required.

Stage 1    -  Discovery

Sessions in Stage 1 are with Management, and endeavour to gently find the

root cause of any inefficiency or other issues as required by the client.

Stage 2    -  Confirmation

Sessions in Stage 2 are with the teams or individuals who are highlighted

during the 1st Stage, and seek to confirm and/or correct factors as raised.


Stage 3    -  Corrective Action (delivering the 3 C's in a targeted way)

This is with the teams, individuals or Managers denoted during the

previous Sessions, and aims to softly alter the way they work so as to  

improve performance matters as revealed in the previous Sessions.

Stage 4    -  Test and Verify

Making sure the client's staff are confident with their new knowledge, and

have the tools to employ it.

NB   The efficacy of our work is dependant on the honesty and flexibility of

those with whom we engage. We strive to elicit true and accurate

information, thus we require the client's assurance that all information

provided by any and all of the client's staff is genuine, and therefore of real

value to the client.

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