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Is This the Right Room for an Argument?



Here is a link to the Meet-up group in London where this activity takes place.


A Meet-up where you can orally let the world know how angry you feel about it.

Anger is a very necessary and positive emotion which needs to be used. Suppressing it can be highly dangerous to our health and to those around us.

We live and work in an evermore stressful environment where society tests us to breaking point and then punishes us when we break.

Have you ever wanted to tell someone what you really thought about them, but didn't?

Would you fear losing your job if you told your boss what they really needed to hear?

Have you ever 'bitten your tongue' for fear of upsetting someone you love?

Have you ever kept quiet whilst being given a PCN, because you didn't want to be arrested?

If you feel it would be to your detriment to 'blow your top', to 'vent your spleen', or to in any way release the pressure that is driving you mad and ruining your life, then this may be the meet-up group for you.

This is not the place for considered debate or intellectual discussion. There will be no counterpoint to the things you say. The aim is to release the stress that societal constraints place upon us.

Don't think of this as an in-depth psychotherapy workshop for it is not, but rather think of it as a pressure release chamber.

This is the place for unreserved verbal outbursts with full permission to swear and be as politically incorrect as may spontaneously happen in the heat of the moment.

You may not wish attend if you are of a sensitive nature and/or prone to take offence on behalf of people you don't know, but staying away may not be in your best interests. What people may say in these sessions will not wholly define them, rather it may show how they feel frustrated, angered, victimised, threatened, abused or constrained.

Having the chance to 'get it off your chest' in a safe environment will help release the stress you find crushing, thus allow you to think more clearly and positively, and empowering you to deal with daily stressors in a safe and healthy way.

You will have a chance to really say out loud what you think about your boss, co-workers, friends, family, traffic wardens, tax collectors, politicians, meerkats, technology, whatever. They will not hear about it from me, and all attendees must sign a confidentiality promise to not repeat anything they hear.

In this group you can safely rant and rave about all that bothers you. You may scream and shout and verbally 'go off the deep end' without fear of sanction or judgement. What is said at "Is This the Right Room for an Argument" stays at "Is This the Right Room for an Argument".

The group will promise, never to express agreement or disagreement with anything you say during your rant. Whatever is bothering you has to be brought into the light of day without comment or judgement, so that it cannot hide in your mind and fester. There will be no taking of sides by the group and no advice about your problems will given by anyone at these sessions. Further support, coaching and therapy may be available from the organiser through privately booked independent appointments.

There are some strict rules of conduct for the physical, mental and emotional safety of the attendees, but not too many.

Here are some of the rules:

  1. No touching.

  2. No one, is at any time, to be judged by the content of their rant (if there is anybody watching).

  3. No touching.

  4. The people about whom you are ranting must not be present during the session.

  5. No touching.

  6. There is no, rule six.

  7. No touching.


Some of the additional rules are:

  8. Respect those who are ranting and their pain, for their issues need to be       released.

  9. No interruptions, of any kind, from the group during a rant.

10. No taking of notes, electronic recordings or streaming of data in any                form.

NB   Any similarity between this page and various scripts from Monty Python is purely intentional.
Psychotherapy may be a serious business but it doesn't have to be a humourless one.

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