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About 3 Treasures.

We teach you to use what is useful and to discard what is not and how to tell the difference.

Whether your healing needs are business related or of a personal nature we can help.

For best results all clients should engage with an open mind for during the sessions most people experience cognitive dissonance because commonly held views of reality will be overturned as an individual's perceptions shift. This is always a good thing but at first is a lot to take in.

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Holistic Health Consultant
Connaisseur de Convalescence
Taoist Adept

Business Coach and Consultant

Life Enhancement Consultant 

Practitioner of:

TCM  (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

NLP  (Neuro Linguistic Programming)


EFT  (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Developer of A.E.T.H.E.R

Founder of The Argument Clinic

Forever on a quest to find the most effective ways to help people, my journey has led me to discover many wonderful tools and gifts that have literally changed not only my life but the way I view life itself.  


After practicing for over two decades, I have formed the best of these wonders into a protocol I call 3 Treasures.

© 2017 by 3 Treasures Life Enrichment and Proactive Resource Management Systems.   Proudly created with

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